Jeffrey Marmaro
Fine Art Photography

Welcome to my Photographic Portfolio!
Here you will find a somewhat eclectic range of subjects and treatments; all designed to delight the eye, and lift the heart.
Return often as I regularly update the site and add more images.
Two vendors (Fine Arts America and RedBubble) are working with me, and from whom you can obtain prints, posters, shirts, etc. with my images. If you see an image here and want it on something from Fine Art America or Redbubble, just let me know and I will put the image in the right place for that.
Recently, I began working on a Photo book, featuring my Strangescapes and Symmetrees. Once the final edits are complete, I can make that available in hardcopy, softcover, and ebook formats. Keep watching!
In the meantime, please enjoy my work; I certainly do and I hope to share that joy with all who visit here!
Be Blessed. -Jeff Marmaro