Strangescapes and Symmetrees: Extracting and Enhancing Latent Symmetries from Nature, creating novel geometries and facilitating the visual effect known as pareidolia.
I have always been fascinated with the science and mathematics involved in symmetry. I have also known that one of the foundations of beauty in the mind of mankind is just that; Symmetry. Therefore, we are hardwired to appreciate symmetry.
Another thing we are hardwired for, is the ability to seek out and identify patterns. Example, if you have ever seen a face or other recognizable shape in the clouds, you are doing exactly that; pulling out patterns from what we see. In fact, we are so adept at this, we see patterns where there are no patterns to be seen. Remember the cloud thing.
So, with these images, I try to celebrate not only the complexity of nature and the visual power of symmetry, but also our innate propensity to find patterns out of chaos.
I dubbed these either 'Strangescapes'' or 'Symmetrees' (from the ease with which trees provide me material for so many of these). Enjoy!
Different Treatments of the same Symmetrical Construction